
Desiree Petrich

Helping you to go from Contentment to Thriving, Let's start the process to Building a Life You Love!

I have dedicated my life to learning to Thrive through adversity, and helping others build a life they LOVE! It's not about contentment and reaching for one happy moment to the next. It's learning to create Happiness as a state of mind, and Choosing to THRIVE!

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Monday Message from Desiree: Letting Go of Guilt and Regret

Monday Message from Desiree “Healing doesn’t mean that the suffering never existed, it means the damage no longer controls our lives” - Jenna Kutcher The words guilt, regret, and boundaries have come up multiple times this week as I’ve presented to different groups. Guilt and regret around not following through on goals we set for ourselves. Guilt for making our families the priority and needing to set boundaries with people in order to make that happen. Guilt about making someone feel bad if...

5 months ago • 2 min read
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